Does Drinking Coffee Benefit Have Health?
There is a lot of debate about whether or not coffee is good for health. While many people believe that coffee must be bad for you, research shows drinking one or two cups of coffee a day could have very positive effects on your health. At the same time, research also concludes that drinking too much coffee has a negative health impact. Some studies indicate that drinking more than three or four cups each day would fall beneath the banner of "excessive." Keep reading to learn more about the potential effects of drinking coffee on your health. Around the world, the stimulant effect of coffee is well known. It can help make them feel more alert and more awake.
It is commonly used after a night with little sleep. In some cases, overstimulation results from the drinking coffee. Common signs of overstimulation include signs of irritability and anxiety. A further reduction in the ability to handle stress makes the anxiety symptoms stand out even more. More health problems may be discovered, with consistent overstimulation, through the exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Men who drink coffee are less likely to develop gout.
Gout can be painful and is commonly heralded by painful inflammation and swelling in the joints. Gout is often considered a condition of the big toe but the truth is it can effect the ankles, legs, arms, and fingers as well. This kind of inflammatory arthritis makes the joint seem hot and tender and can often appear as red and swollen.
Gout is believed to be caused by high levels of uric acid in the body - a condition that is also linked to kidney stones. Research shows that coffee consumption lowers uric acid levels in the body. Unfortunately for those who trying to lose weight, drinking coffee could be hampering their progress. Caffeine is proven to increase the risk of long term weight gain.
It may appear like you are losing a little weight at first with the extra coffee each day. You could feel this as a result of water loss from the diuretic effects of coffee. Your blood sugar levels can be affected (usually decreased) by the increased stress hormones in caffeine. This hormone actually stimulates your appetite and makes you feel hungry before you should. It certainly won't help if you are also adding cream and sugar in your coffee, since you'll be increasing your overall calorie intake.
In conclusion, drinking coffee in moderation might be much better for you. However, heavy coffee drinkers should be aware that there are also some negative health effects that could arise from drinking too much caffeine. Moderation is the key to getting a healthy balance.
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